Permits, Building Codes, and Inspections – A DIY perspective

Most cities and countries will not allow for any kind of construction on a piece of property without a building permit. The type, details, and location of the construction all need to be approved to obtain this permit. The required sanctions are obtained through government offices; without such, nothing can be done to initiate a build. It is critical to start this process in advance so it does not interrupt your proposed ground breaking and start date.


You may, however, be able to begin clearing the trees and brush from the building site so long as heavy equipment is not bought in. Because building codes and laws vary so much, check on this detail before firing up the chain saw and gassing up your four-wheeler. Avoiding fines and delays should always be in front of your mind. Do not be smug and assume no one will know; there could always be a neighbour or nearby worker willing to notify authorities.

The different permits can be confusing. Visit the code enforcement office or equivalent person in your city or country. This individual can clarify requirements so you understand them. They will explain what permits are needed, the fees associated with each, and where the document needs to be located on the property during the build. Workers in these offices are usually fountains of knowledge, so ask a lot of questions, and do not feel stupid; they have heard them all.    

The application normally consists of one or two pages. They must be accompanied by a complete set of drawings and the surveyor’s plans, showing the locations plus orientation of the house. Fees associated with the permit are characteristically based on the square footage of the home. These fees can be itemized into an understandable list upon request if it is not already available to you.

Once the building permit is issued and construction is complete, officials perform an inspection to determine whether all the codes were followed properly. If you have any questions about this process, ask. Contact your state’s regulatory agency or your local building department. It is not possible to have too much information, but it is possible to not information, but it is possible not to have enough.  Contact our home builders Sydney for any further questions.